Source code for aiocache.backends.redis

import asyncio
import itertools
import functools

import aioredis

from aiocache.base import BaseCache
from aiocache.serializers import JsonSerializer

AIOREDIS_BEFORE_ONE = aioredis.__version__.startswith('0.')

def conn(func):
    async def wrapper(self, *args, _conn=None, **kwargs):
        if _conn is None:
            if AIOREDIS_BEFORE_ONE:
                with await self._connect() as _conn:
                    return await func(self, *args, _conn=_conn, **kwargs)
                _conn = await self._connect()
                return await func(self, *args, _conn=_conn, **kwargs)

        return await func(self, *args, _conn=_conn, **kwargs)
    return wrapper

class RedisBackend:

        "if'get',KEYS[1]) == ARGV[1] then"
        " return'del',KEYS[1])"
        " else"
        " return 0"
        " end"

    CAS_SCRIPT = (
        "if'get',KEYS[1]) == ARGV[2] then"
        "  if #ARGV == 4 then"
        "   return'set', KEYS[1], ARGV[1], ARGV[3], ARGV[4])"
        "  else"
        "   return'set', KEYS[1], ARGV[1])"
        "  end"
        " else"
        " return 0"
        " end"

    pools = {}

    def __init__(
            self, endpoint="", port=6379, db=0, password=None,
            pool_min_size=1, pool_max_size=10, loop=None, **kwargs):
        self.endpoint = endpoint
        self.port = port
        self.db = db
        self.password = password
        self.pool_min_size = pool_min_size
        self.pool_max_size = pool_max_size
        self._pool_lock = asyncio.Lock()
        self._loop = loop
        self._pool = None

    async def acquire_conn(self):
        with await self._connect():
        return await self._pool.acquire()

    async def release_conn(self, _conn):

    async def _get(self, key, encoding="utf-8", _conn=None):
        return await _conn.get(key, encoding=encoding)

    async def _gets(self, key, encoding="utf-8", _conn=None):
        return await self._get(key, encoding=encoding, _conn=_conn)

    async def _multi_get(self, keys, encoding="utf-8", _conn=None):
        return await _conn.mget(*keys, encoding=encoding)

    async def _set(self, key, value, ttl=None, _cas_token=None, _conn=None):
        if _cas_token is not None:
            return await self._cas(key, value, _cas_token, ttl=ttl, _conn=_conn)
        if ttl is None:
            return await _conn.set(key, value)
        return await _conn.setex(key, ttl, value)

    async def _cas(self, key, value, token, ttl=None, _conn=None):
        args = [value, token]
        if ttl is not None:
            if isinstance(ttl, float):
                args += ['PX', int(ttl * 1000)]
                args += ['EX', ttl]
        res = await self._raw(
            args, _conn=_conn)
        return res

    async def _multi_set(self, pairs, ttl=None, _conn=None):
        ttl = ttl or 0

        flattened = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(
            (key, value) for key, value in pairs))

        if ttl:
            await self.__multi_set_ttl(_conn, flattened, ttl)
            await _conn.mset(*flattened)

        return True

    async def __multi_set_ttl(self, conn, flattened, ttl):
        redis = conn.multi_exec()
        for key in flattened[::2]:
            redis.expire(key, timeout=ttl)
        await redis.execute()

    async def _add(self, key, value, ttl=None, _conn=None):
        expx = {"expire": ttl}
        if isinstance(ttl, float):
            expx = {"pexpire": int(ttl * 1000)}
        was_set = await _conn.set(key, value, exist=_conn.SET_IF_NOT_EXIST, **expx)
        if not was_set:
            raise ValueError(
                "Key {} already exists, use .set to update the value".format(key))
        return was_set

    async def _exists(self, key, _conn=None):
        exists = await _conn.exists(key)
        return True if exists > 0 else False

    async def _increment(self, key, delta, _conn=None):
            return await _conn.incrby(key, delta)
        except aioredis.errors.ReplyError:
            raise TypeError("Value is not an integer") from None

    async def _expire(self, key, ttl, _conn=None):
        if ttl == 0:
            return await _conn.persist(key)
        return await _conn.expire(key, ttl)

    async def _delete(self, key, _conn=None):
        return await _conn.delete(key)

    async def _clear(self, namespace=None, _conn=None):
        if namespace:
            keys = await _conn.keys("{}:*".format(namespace))
            await _conn.delete(*keys)
            await _conn.flushdb()
        return True

    async def _raw(self, command, *args, encoding="utf-8", _conn=None, **kwargs):
        if command in ["get", "mget"]:
            kwargs["encoding"] = encoding
        return await getattr(_conn, command)(*args, **kwargs)

    async def _redlock_release(self, key, value):
        return await self._raw(

    async def _close(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self._pool is not None:
            await self._pool.clear()

    async def _connect(self):
        async with self._pool_lock:
            if self._pool is None:
                if AIOREDIS_BEFORE_ONE:
                    _create_pool = aioredis.create_pool
                    _create_pool = aioredis.create_redis_pool

                self._pool = await _create_pool((self.endpoint, self.port),

            return await self._pool if AIOREDIS_BEFORE_ONE else self._pool

[docs]class RedisCache(RedisBackend, BaseCache): """ Redis cache implementation with the following components as defaults: - serializer: :class:`aiocache.serializers.JsonSerializer` - plugins: [] Config options are: :param serializer: obj derived from :class:`aiocache.serializers.StringSerializer`. :param plugins: list of :class:`aiocache.plugins.BasePlugin` derived classes. :param namespace: string to use as default prefix for the key used in all operations of the backend. Default is None. :param timeout: int or float in seconds specifying maximum timeout for the operations to last. By default its 5. :param endpoint: str with the endpoint to connect to. Default is "". :param port: int with the port to connect to. Default is 6379. :param db: int indicating database to use. Default is 0. :param password: str indicating password to use. Default is None. :param pool_min_size: int minimum pool size for the redis connections pool. Default is 1 :param pool_max_size: int maximum pool size for the redis connections pool. Default is 10 """ def __init__(self, serializer=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.serializer = serializer or JsonSerializer() def _build_key(self, key, namespace=None): if namespace is not None: return "{}{}{}".format(namespace, ":" if namespace else "", key) if self.namespace is not None: return "{}{}{}".format(self.namespace, ":" if self.namespace else "", key) return key def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover return "RedisCache ({}:{})".format(self.endpoint, self.port)