Source code for aiocache.plugins

This module implements different plugins you can attach to your cache instance. They
are coded in a collaborative so you can use multiple inheritance.

from aiocache.base import API

[docs]class BasePlugin:
[docs] @classmethod def add_hook(cls, func, hooks): for hook in hooks: setattr(cls, hook, func)
[docs] async def do_nothing(self, *args, **kwargs): pass
BasePlugin.add_hook( BasePlugin.do_nothing, ["pre_{}".format(method.__name__) for method in API.CMDS] ) BasePlugin.add_hook( BasePlugin.do_nothing, ["post_{}".format(method.__name__) for method in API.CMDS] )
[docs]class TimingPlugin(BasePlugin): """ Calculates average, min and max times each command takes. The data is saved in the cache class as a dict attribute called ``profiling``. For example, to access the average time of the operation get, you can do ``cache.profiling['get_avg']`` """
[docs] @classmethod def save_time(cls, method): async def do_save_time(self, client, *args, took=0, **kwargs): if not hasattr(client, "profiling"): client.profiling = {} previous_total = client.profiling.get("{}_total".format(method), 0) previous_avg = client.profiling.get("{}_avg".format(method), 0) previous_max = client.profiling.get("{}_max".format(method), 0) previous_min = client.profiling.get("{}_min".format(method)) client.profiling["{}_total".format(method)] = previous_total + 1 client.profiling["{}_avg".format(method)] = previous_avg + (took - previous_avg) / ( previous_total + 1 ) client.profiling["{}_max".format(method)] = max(took, previous_max) client.profiling["{}_min".format(method)] = ( min(took, previous_min) if previous_min else took ) return do_save_time
for method in API.CMDS: TimingPlugin.add_hook( TimingPlugin.save_time(method.__name__), ["post_{}".format(method.__name__)] )
[docs]class HitMissRatioPlugin(BasePlugin): """ Calculates the ratio of hits the cache has. The data is saved in the cache class as a dict attribute called ``hit_miss_ratio``. For example, to access the hit ratio of the cache, you can do ``cache.hit_miss_ratio['hit_ratio']``. It also provides the "total" and "hits" keys. """
[docs] async def post_get(self, client, key, took=0, ret=None, **kwargs): if not hasattr(client, "hit_miss_ratio"): client.hit_miss_ratio = {} client.hit_miss_ratio["total"] = 0 client.hit_miss_ratio["hits"] = 0 client.hit_miss_ratio["total"] += 1 if ret is not None: client.hit_miss_ratio["hits"] += 1 client.hit_miss_ratio["hit_ratio"] = ( client.hit_miss_ratio["hits"] / client.hit_miss_ratio["total"] )
[docs] async def post_multi_get(self, client, keys, took=0, ret=None, **kwargs): if not hasattr(client, "hit_miss_ratio"): client.hit_miss_ratio = {} client.hit_miss_ratio["total"] = 0 client.hit_miss_ratio["hits"] = 0 client.hit_miss_ratio["total"] += len(keys) for result in ret: if result is not None: client.hit_miss_ratio["hits"] += 1 client.hit_miss_ratio["hit_ratio"] = ( client.hit_miss_ratio["hits"] / client.hit_miss_ratio["total"] )