Source code for aiocache.base

import asyncio
import functools
import logging
import os
import time
from enum import Enum
from types import TracebackType
from typing import Callable, Optional, Set, Type

from aiocache import serializers

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

SENTINEL = object()

class API:

    CMDS: Set[Callable[..., object]] = set()

    def register(cls, func):
        return func

    def unregister(cls, func):

    def timeout(cls, func):
        This decorator sets a maximum timeout for a coroutine to execute. The timeout can be both
        set in the ``self.timeout`` attribute or in the ``timeout`` kwarg of the function call.
        I.e if you have a function ``get(self, key)``, if its decorated with this decorator, you
        will be able to call it with ``await get(self, "my_key", timeout=4)``.

        Use 0 or None to disable the timeout.
        NOT_SET = "NOT_SET"

        async def _timeout(self, *args, timeout=NOT_SET, **kwargs):
            timeout = self.timeout if timeout == NOT_SET else timeout
            if timeout == 0 or timeout is None:
                return await func(self, *args, **kwargs)
            return await asyncio.wait_for(func(self, *args, **kwargs), timeout)

        return _timeout

    def aiocache_enabled(cls, fake_return=None):
        Use this decorator to be able to fake the return of the function by setting the
        ``AIOCACHE_DISABLE`` environment variable

        def enabled(func):
            async def _enabled(*args, **kwargs):
                if os.getenv("AIOCACHE_DISABLE") == "1":
                    return fake_return
                return await func(*args, **kwargs)

            return _enabled

        return enabled

    def plugins(cls, func):
        async def _plugins(self, *args, **kwargs):
            start = time.monotonic()
            for plugin in self.plugins:
                await getattr(plugin, "pre_{}".format(func.__name__))(self, *args, **kwargs)

            ret = await func(self, *args, **kwargs)

            end = time.monotonic()
            for plugin in self.plugins:
                await getattr(plugin, "post_{}".format(func.__name__))(
                    self, *args, took=end - start, ret=ret, **kwargs
            return ret

        return _plugins

[docs]class BaseCache: """ Base class that agregates the common logic for the different caches that may exist. Cache related available options are: :param serializer: obj derived from :class:`aiocache.serializers.BaseSerializer`. Default is :class:`aiocache.serializers.StringSerializer`. :param plugins: list of :class:`aiocache.plugins.BasePlugin` derived classes. Default is empty list. :param namespace: string to use as default prefix for the key used in all operations of the backend. Default is None :param key_builder: alternative callable to build the key. Receives the key and the namespace as params and should return something that can be used as key by the underlying backend. :param timeout: int or float in seconds specifying maximum timeout for the operations to last. By default its 5. Use 0 or None if you want to disable it. :param ttl: int the expiration time in seconds to use as a default in all operations of the backend. It can be overriden in the specific calls. """ NAME: str def __init__( self, serializer=None, plugins=None, namespace=None, key_builder=None, timeout=5, ttl=None ): self.timeout = float(timeout) if timeout is not None else timeout self.namespace = namespace self.ttl = float(ttl) if ttl is not None else ttl self.build_key = key_builder or self._build_key self._serializer = None self.serializer = serializer or serializers.StringSerializer() self._plugins = None self.plugins = plugins or [] @property def serializer(self): return self._serializer @serializer.setter def serializer(self, value): self._serializer = value @property def plugins(self): return self._plugins @plugins.setter def plugins(self, value): self._plugins = value
[docs] @API.register @API.aiocache_enabled(fake_return=True) @API.timeout @API.plugins async def add(self, key, value, ttl=SENTINEL, dumps_fn=None, namespace=None, _conn=None): """ Stores the value in the given key with ttl if specified. Raises an error if the key already exists. :param key: str :param value: obj :param ttl: int the expiration time in seconds. Due to memcached restrictions if you want compatibility use int. In case you need miliseconds, redis and memory support float ttls :param dumps_fn: callable alternative to use as dumps function :param namespace: str alternative namespace to use :param timeout: int or float in seconds specifying maximum timeout for the operations to last :returns: True if key is inserted :raises: - ValueError if key already exists - :class:`asyncio.TimeoutError` if it lasts more than self.timeout """ start = time.monotonic() dumps = dumps_fn or self._serializer.dumps ns = namespace if namespace is not None else self.namespace ns_key = self.build_key(key, namespace=ns) await self._add(ns_key, dumps(value), ttl=self._get_ttl(ttl), _conn=_conn) logger.debug("ADD %s %s (%.4f)s", ns_key, True, time.monotonic() - start) return True
async def _add(self, key, value, ttl, _conn=None): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @API.register @API.aiocache_enabled() @API.timeout @API.plugins async def get(self, key, default=None, loads_fn=None, namespace=None, _conn=None): """ Get a value from the cache. Returns default if not found. :param key: str :param default: obj to return when key is not found :param loads_fn: callable alternative to use as loads function :param namespace: str alternative namespace to use :param timeout: int or float in seconds specifying maximum timeout for the operations to last :returns: obj loaded :raises: :class:`asyncio.TimeoutError` if it lasts more than self.timeout """ start = time.monotonic() loads = loads_fn or self._serializer.loads ns = namespace if namespace is not None else self.namespace ns_key = self.build_key(key, namespace=ns) value = loads(await self._get(ns_key, encoding=self.serializer.encoding, _conn=_conn)) logger.debug("GET %s %s (%.4f)s", ns_key, value is not None, time.monotonic() - start) return value if value is not None else default
async def _get(self, key, encoding, _conn=None): raise NotImplementedError() async def _gets(self, key, encoding="utf-8", _conn=None): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @API.register @API.aiocache_enabled(fake_return=[]) @API.timeout @API.plugins async def multi_get(self, keys, loads_fn=None, namespace=None, _conn=None): """ Get multiple values from the cache, values not found are Nones. :param keys: list of str :param loads_fn: callable alternative to use as loads function :param namespace: str alternative namespace to use :param timeout: int or float in seconds specifying maximum timeout for the operations to last :returns: list of objs :raises: :class:`asyncio.TimeoutError` if it lasts more than self.timeout """ start = time.monotonic() loads = loads_fn or self._serializer.loads ns = namespace if namespace is not None else self.namespace ns_keys = [self.build_key(key, namespace=ns) for key in keys] values = [ loads(value) for value in await self._multi_get( ns_keys, encoding=self.serializer.encoding, _conn=_conn ) ] logger.debug( "MULTI_GET %s %d (%.4f)s", ns_keys, len([value for value in values if value is not None]), time.monotonic() - start, ) return values
async def _multi_get(self, keys, encoding, _conn=None): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @API.register @API.aiocache_enabled(fake_return=True) @API.timeout @API.plugins async def set( self, key, value, ttl=SENTINEL, dumps_fn=None, namespace=None, _cas_token=None, _conn=None ): """ Stores the value in the given key with ttl if specified :param key: str :param value: obj :param ttl: int the expiration time in seconds. Due to memcached restrictions if you want compatibility use int. In case you need miliseconds, redis and memory support float ttls :param dumps_fn: callable alternative to use as dumps function :param namespace: str alternative namespace to use :param timeout: int or float in seconds specifying maximum timeout for the operations to last :returns: True if the value was set :raises: :class:`asyncio.TimeoutError` if it lasts more than self.timeout """ start = time.monotonic() dumps = dumps_fn or self._serializer.dumps ns = namespace if namespace is not None else self.namespace ns_key = self.build_key(key, namespace=ns) res = await self._set( ns_key, dumps(value), ttl=self._get_ttl(ttl), _cas_token=_cas_token, _conn=_conn ) logger.debug("SET %s %d (%.4f)s", ns_key, True, time.monotonic() - start) return res
async def _set(self, key, value, ttl, _cas_token=None, _conn=None): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @API.register @API.aiocache_enabled(fake_return=True) @API.timeout @API.plugins async def multi_set(self, pairs, ttl=SENTINEL, dumps_fn=None, namespace=None, _conn=None): """ Stores multiple values in the given keys. :param pairs: list of two element iterables. First is key and second is value :param ttl: int the expiration time in seconds. Due to memcached restrictions if you want compatibility use int. In case you need miliseconds, redis and memory support float ttls :param dumps_fn: callable alternative to use as dumps function :param namespace: str alternative namespace to use :param timeout: int or float in seconds specifying maximum timeout for the operations to last :returns: True :raises: :class:`asyncio.TimeoutError` if it lasts more than self.timeout """ start = time.monotonic() dumps = dumps_fn or self._serializer.dumps ns = namespace if namespace is not None else self.namespace tmp_pairs = [] for key, value in pairs: tmp_pairs.append((self.build_key(key, namespace=ns), dumps(value))) await self._multi_set(tmp_pairs, ttl=self._get_ttl(ttl), _conn=_conn) logger.debug( "MULTI_SET %s %d (%.4f)s", [key for key, value in tmp_pairs], len(pairs), time.monotonic() - start, ) return True
async def _multi_set(self, pairs, ttl, _conn=None): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @API.register @API.aiocache_enabled(fake_return=0) @API.timeout @API.plugins async def delete(self, key, namespace=None, _conn=None): """ Deletes the given key. :param key: Key to be deleted :param namespace: str alternative namespace to use :param timeout: int or float in seconds specifying maximum timeout for the operations to last :returns: int number of deleted keys :raises: :class:`asyncio.TimeoutError` if it lasts more than self.timeout """ start = time.monotonic() ns = namespace if namespace is not None else self.namespace ns_key = self.build_key(key, namespace=ns) ret = await self._delete(ns_key, _conn=_conn) logger.debug("DELETE %s %d (%.4f)s", ns_key, ret, time.monotonic() - start) return ret
async def _delete(self, key, _conn=None): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @API.register @API.aiocache_enabled(fake_return=False) @API.timeout @API.plugins async def exists(self, key, namespace=None, _conn=None): """ Check key exists in the cache. :param key: str key to check :param namespace: str alternative namespace to use :param timeout: int or float in seconds specifying maximum timeout for the operations to last :returns: True if key exists otherwise False :raises: :class:`asyncio.TimeoutError` if it lasts more than self.timeout """ start = time.monotonic() ns = namespace if namespace is not None else self.namespace ns_key = self.build_key(key, namespace=ns) ret = await self._exists(ns_key, _conn=_conn) logger.debug("EXISTS %s %d (%.4f)s", ns_key, ret, time.monotonic() - start) return ret
async def _exists(self, key, _conn=None): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @API.register @API.aiocache_enabled(fake_return=1) @API.timeout @API.plugins async def increment(self, key, delta=1, namespace=None, _conn=None): """ Increments value stored in key by delta (can be negative). If key doesn't exist, it creates the key with delta as value. :param key: str key to check :param delta: int amount to increment/decrement :param namespace: str alternative namespace to use :param timeout: int or float in seconds specifying maximum timeout for the operations to last :returns: Value of the key once incremented. -1 if key is not found. :raises: :class:`asyncio.TimeoutError` if it lasts more than self.timeout :raises: :class:`TypeError` if value is not incrementable """ start = time.monotonic() ns = namespace if namespace is not None else self.namespace ns_key = self.build_key(key, namespace=ns) ret = await self._increment(ns_key, delta, _conn=_conn) logger.debug("INCREMENT %s %d (%.4f)s", ns_key, ret, time.monotonic() - start) return ret
async def _increment(self, key, delta, _conn=None): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @API.register @API.aiocache_enabled(fake_return=False) @API.timeout @API.plugins async def expire(self, key, ttl, namespace=None, _conn=None): """ Set the ttl to the given key. By setting it to 0, it will disable it :param key: str key to expire :param ttl: int number of seconds for expiration. If 0, ttl is disabled :param namespace: str alternative namespace to use :param timeout: int or float in seconds specifying maximum timeout for the operations to last :returns: True if set, False if key is not found :raises: :class:`asyncio.TimeoutError` if it lasts more than self.timeout """ start = time.monotonic() ns = namespace if namespace is not None else self.namespace ns_key = self.build_key(key, namespace=ns) ret = await self._expire(ns_key, ttl, _conn=_conn) logger.debug("EXPIRE %s %d (%.4f)s", ns_key, ret, time.monotonic() - start) return ret
async def _expire(self, key, ttl, _conn=None): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @API.register @API.aiocache_enabled(fake_return=True) @API.timeout @API.plugins async def clear(self, namespace=None, _conn=None): """ Clears the cache in the cache namespace. If an alternative namespace is given, it will clear those ones instead. :param namespace: str alternative namespace to use :param timeout: int or float in seconds specifying maximum timeout for the operations to last :returns: True :raises: :class:`asyncio.TimeoutError` if it lasts more than self.timeout """ start = time.monotonic() ret = await self._clear(namespace, _conn=_conn) logger.debug("CLEAR %s %d (%.4f)s", namespace, ret, time.monotonic() - start) return ret
async def _clear(self, namespace, _conn=None): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @API.register @API.aiocache_enabled() @API.timeout @API.plugins async def raw(self, command, *args, _conn=None, **kwargs): """ Send the raw command to the underlying client. Note that by using this CMD you will lose compatibility with other backends. Due to limitations with aiomcache client, args have to be provided as bytes. For rest of backends, str. :param command: str with the command. :param timeout: int or float in seconds specifying maximum timeout for the operations to last :returns: whatever the underlying client returns :raises: :class:`asyncio.TimeoutError` if it lasts more than self.timeout """ start = time.monotonic() ret = await self._raw( command, *args, encoding=self.serializer.encoding, _conn=_conn, **kwargs ) logger.debug("%s (%.4f)s", command, time.monotonic() - start) return ret
async def _raw(self, command, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError() async def _redlock_release(self, key, value): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @API.timeout async def close(self, *args, _conn=None, **kwargs): """ Perform any resource clean up necessary to exit the program safely. After closing, cmd execution is still possible but you will have to close again before exiting. :raises: :class:`asyncio.TimeoutError` if it lasts more than self.timeout """ start = time.monotonic() ret = await self._close(*args, _conn=_conn, **kwargs) logger.debug("CLOSE (%.4f)s", time.monotonic() - start) return ret
async def _close(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def _build_key(self, key, namespace=None): if namespace is not None: return "{}{}".format(namespace, _ensure_key(key)) if self.namespace is not None: return "{}{}".format(self.namespace, _ensure_key(key)) return key def _get_ttl(self, ttl): return ttl if ttl is not SENTINEL else self.ttl def get_connection(self): return _Conn(self) async def acquire_conn(self): return self async def release_conn(self, conn): pass async def __aenter__(self): return self async def __aexit__( self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], exc: Optional[BaseException], tb: Optional[TracebackType] ) -> None: await self.close()
class _Conn: def __init__(self, cache): self._cache = cache self._conn = None async def __aenter__(self): self._conn = await self._cache.acquire_conn() return self async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): await self._cache.release_conn(self._conn) def __getattr__(self, name): return self._cache.__getattribute__(name) @classmethod def _inject_conn(cls, cmd_name): async def _do_inject_conn(self, *args, **kwargs): return await getattr(self._cache, cmd_name)(*args, _conn=self._conn, **kwargs) return _do_inject_conn def _ensure_key(key): if isinstance(key, Enum): return key.value else: return key for cmd in API.CMDS: setattr(_Conn, cmd.__name__, _Conn._inject_conn(cmd.__name__))